Educational &
Professional Details:
- M.D. (Psychiatry)- 1989 LHMC New Delhi
- Senior Residency (1989-1992) LHMC New Delhi
- Pool Officer (1993-1996) K.G.M.U., Lucknow
- In Private Practice since 1996 and Director, SAMBAL Hospital, Lucknow Has been active member of IPS for more than 3 decades

Dr. (Mrs.) Shashi Rai

Consultant Psychiatrist
5/284, Vikas Nagar, Lucknow.
Dr. Shashi Rai did both her M.B.B.S. and M.D. (Psych.) from Lady Hardinge Medical College, New Delhi, After her Post Graduation in 1989, she worked in the same institute as Senior Resident for three years. From 1993-1996 she worked as Pool Officer in the Deptt. Of Psychiatry, K.G.M.U., Lucknow. Since 1996 she is in Private Practice and is currently the Director of SAMBAL, Drug De-Addiction and Psychiatric Hospital at Indira Nagar, Lucknow.
Currently Holding Following
- Chairman Richmond Fellowship Society (India) 2019 – 2025
- Secretary, RFS (India) Lucknow Branch. (since 2009)
- Member State Mental Health Review Board
- Member District Mental Health Review Board
- NAB Member – IAPP
- Advisor Women Mental Health Specialty Section IPS
- Chairman Awards Committee Central Zone

Awards & Achievement:
Felicitated by Dr. Neeraj Bora, M.L.A. Lucknow on 01 July 2022 at IMA Bhawan during the celebration of Doctors Day
Received Recognition on Doctors Day Celebration Of IMA 2019
Received B.B. Sethi Oration Award of Central Zone – in CIPCON 2012.
Nominated for “Women of Substance Award” by Hindustan Times for the year 2018
Received All India Highest Marks in Chemistry in 12 Class Board Examination.
Awarded National Talent Search Examination Scholarship 1978-1985.
Honored by Minister of Health and Rural Development Uttar Pradesh on Doctors Day 01 July 2019.
Received NTSE Scholarship in 1978 for 7 years
Presented the Award Oration in the IPS UP State Branch Annual Conference held on 16.12.23 on “Community Psychiatry and its role in Stigma reduction”
Felicitated on Doctors Day’s by Dr. Neeraj Bora, M.L.A., Lucknow (July 2022) and Minister of Health and Rural Development U.P. (July 2019).
“Women of Substance Award” - Hindustan Times - 2018
B.B. Sethi Oration Central Zone –2012.
Nominated for PKC Oration of IAPP UP:UK 2022
Received NTSE Scholarship (1978-1985).
B.B. Sethi Oration Central Zone –2012.
- Few Publications in IJP, Indian Journal Of Private Psychiatry, Journal of Behavioural Sciences Central Zone
- Raveesh B N, Rai S, Kaur D, Bandhopadhaya D, Gautam P, Shetty J. et all. Domestic Violence current legal status. Psychiatric evaluation of victim and offender. Indian J. Psychiatry 2022; 64:S134-145.
- Rai S and Gupta B.NGO’s and their role in Mental Health Care in India.Indian Journal of Clinical Psychiatry(2021) VOL. 1
- Rai S, Pathak A, Sharma I, Postpartum Psychiatric Disorders: Early Diagnosis and Management. IJP 2015; 57 (Supp. 2) 2016 – 2021
- Agarwal A. K., Rai Shashi, Upreti M.C., Srivastava A.K., Sheeba, Day Care as an Innovative Approach in Psychiatry; Analysis of Lucknow Experience. IJP 2015, 57, 162-164
- Agarwal A.K., Rai Shashi, Srivastava S. Evolution of Research Paradigm for Psychiatric Practice, IJPP, Vol 11 (1), Jan –June 2017.
Rai S, (2013) Psychosocial Rehabilitation: A Specialized Approach IJBS Vol 23 (1) April 2013.
Rai S., (2014) Adolescent Substance Abuse: A public health priority (Presidential Address) IJBS, Vol 24 (1) June 2014.
- Rai S, Malik SC, Sharma D Behaviour Problem among Preschool children. Indian Pediatrics (1992) 475-478
- Bhatia M S, Singhal P. K, Rai Shashi, Nigam V.R. Malik S.C., Encopresis:An Analysis of 40 Cases. IJSP (1989) 5, 15-23.
- Bhatia M.S., Agarwal P, Rai S, Khastgir U, Bohra N, Malik S C. A study of Psychiatric Morbidity among elderly patients attending the medical out patient Department of a Teaching hospital. IJPS (1989) 5, 10-14
- Bhatia MS, Agarwal P, Khastgir U, Rai S et all. Psychiatric in-patient and outpatient referral in a Government Hospital. Indian Medical Gazette. December 1989, Vol: XXIII No.: 12 page 394-399.
Positions held in past:
- Direct Council Member Indian Psychiatric Society (2018-2021)
- Editor IAPP National (2015-2016)
- Former President (2012-2014) and Secretary of IAPP UP:UK (2007-2010).
- Former President (2013-2014), Secretary (2007-2008) and Editor of Central
- Zonal Representative – Central Zone
- President - CZ (2013-2014),
- Editor of CZ (2003-2004) and (2007-2008).
- Editor IAPP – National
- Former President (2012-2014) and Secretary of IAPP UP:UK (2007- 2010).
- Has been convener, Chairperson and Advisor in various committees of IPS
Conducted numerous awareness programmes and written columns in various newspapers.
- Zone (2003-2004) and (2007-2008).
- Zonal Representative :Central Zone 2015 - Feb 2018.
- E.C. Member: IAPP 2013 -2016
- Advisor To IPS Speciality Section on Community Psychiatry
- Executive Committee Member, Indian Menopausal Society, Lucknow.
- Convener: Specialty Section on Women Mental Health in IPS
- Chairperson Election Commission IAPP
- EC Member Luknow Nursing Home Association
- EC Member IMA Lucknow

Areas of
Special interest:
Women Mental Health
Community Mental Health

Events Gallery
